Hello, I'm Aaron, a 20-year-old pursuing my BA studies in Design Communication at Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore. While my roots are in Chennai, India, I've ventured across borders to hone my creative talents.

With 2-3 years of graphic design experience, specializing in branding and advertising for events and startups, I've also held a full-time position at an advertising and design studio in Chennai while freelancing on the side.

My journey in Singapore has allowed me to expand my horizons, unleashing my passion for photography. I've captured memorable moments at events, showcased the beauty of cars, and even interned at a pre-wedding videography studio for 3-4 enriching months.

"I'm fueled by curiosity, always hungry to learn and thrive in these creative realms. I'm excited about the countless opportunities that await, and I'm committed to grabbing each one with enthusiasm."
